Re: OT?: Mac to PC Annoyance

by Charles A Upsdell <cupsdell(at)>

 Date:  Wed, 09 Aug 2000 12:48:28 -0400
 To:  hwg-techniques(at)
 In-Reply-To:  bastyr
  todo: View Thread, Original
I suspect that what you are encountering are ligatures, i.e., glyphs that 
combine several characters.  This is commonly done in typography.  You 
should be able to do a search and replace in Word to replace, for example, 
all instances of the 'fi' ligature to the characters 'f' and 'i'.  Once you 
have replaced all ligatures by their equivalent characters, your problems 
should go away.

- HTH, Chuck Upsdell

At 11:29 AM 08/09/00, you wrote:
>I'm coming across this problem while doing web stuff, so hoping someone 
>else out there can give a pointer even though it's not 100% web related.
>I have a document that was taken from Mac PageMaker, converted to Mac 
>Word, then to Windows Word 97.  Things look generally fine in 
>word.  However, when I copy text from Word to any other program, any where 
>there is an instance of 'fi' or 'fl', it is replaced with a question 
>mark.  This is highly annoying.  And unfortunately I can't do a global 
>search and replace since some question marks are legitimate and I don't 
>know which are going to be fi words and which fl words.
>I've tried changing the font in the document and saving it as both a word 
>doc and an rtf doc, but the problem still occurs.  Anyone else seen this 
>happen?  Know of any way to keep it from happening?
>Just thought I'd ask.
>Doug Dossett
>Bastyr University

Chuck Upsdell
Email:     cupsdell(at) or cupsdell(at)

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