Odd Behavior in Moz

by Triche Osborne Web Sites <triche-osborne(at)triche-osborne.com>

 Date:  Thu, 24 Feb 2005 18:21:31 -0600
 To:  "HTML Writer's Guild Techniques" <hwg-techniques(at)hwg.org>
  todo: View Thread, Original
I'm using an older build of Moz (1.3), and while I was helping someone 
rework a slideshow script, I noticed something very odd. During testing 
I had an alert on the last line of the script to help trap errors. (It 
fires after you click.) The script worked just fine, and the JavaScript 
console shows no errors.
    When I removed the alert, however,  Mozilla began changing the 
images only intermittently. IE6 works fine either way, as it should.

Here are the pages in question:
(with alert) http://www.triche-osborne.com/testing/moira/ss2_alert.html
(without) http://www.triche-osborne.com/testing/moira/ss2_no-alert.html

    Is this just my older version of Mozilla, or do those of you with 
newer versions experience the same problem? And if so, does anyone know 
*why* it does this and how to get around it?


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