CSS - Japanese Browser Printing Issues

by Mike Henden <mike.henden(at)xtra.co.nz>

 Date:  Thu, 28 Jun 2001 10:37:50 +1200
 To:  HWG techniques <hwg-techniques(at)mail.hwg.org>
  todo: View Thread, Original
A question for any CSS gurus out there...

I have re-worked this site as HTML 4.0 Transitional to take advantage 
of CSS. Prior to my doing this, pages rendered fine (using the old 
font face="") for my client (though pages never used the correct 
fonts they were able to read them and print them out as required). 
Unfortunately since re-working the pages to use CSS my client is 
unable to print off any pages from their site.

Further to my queries on this subject last week, I am still tearing 
my hair out (or what's left of it) over this issue.

I can print pages on this site from Mac systems using IE 4.5 and Netscape 4.6.

My client operates in English and Japanese-language Windows-based 
operating systems. They normally use a Japanese-language version of 
Netscape Navigator (v.4.7 I think). They also have an international 
version of Internet Explorer (v.5.)

We have ascertained that they can print pages from their site using 
IE (though I haven't found the 'button' that you press to make the 
page fit to the paper size. Is there such a setting in the Windows 
environment? If so, can you please tell me where I find it?!)

When we try to print from the Japanese copy of Netscape the browser 
drops all the text and prints the graphics only. To further 
complicate things, the browser still doesn't render the correct font 
on screen (while Times New Roman can be found in the fonts directory 
it doesn't want to use it).

What I am trying to ascertain is whether these problems are a 
Netscape issue, whether they are occur in the Japanese browser, or 
whether they occur in the Japanese operating environment (which I 
think is unlikely as we can still print from IE with the correct 
fonts and everything)

The URLs for test pages are as follows:

(I need to solve some layout issues with the table...)

(this page has an extra stylesheet declaration --- .media="print" -- 
which doesn't seem to help any)

I really don't want to go back to using "font" tags, as things are 
looking so much nicer now!

Any enlightenment on these issues will be very welcome!



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