From a MAC to a PC - HTML files

by eerwin(at) (Lisa Erwin)

 Date:  Fri, 24 Mar 2000 05:31:31 -0500
 To:  hwg-techniques(at)
  todo: View Thread, Original
At 06:04 AM 3/23/00 , Rob Atkinson wrote:
>A question was posed to me which I don't have the answer for, and
>look to my fellow colleagues for an answer.
>A person using GoLive on MAC found that when transferring the
>files to a PC (by floppy), the carriage returns are all out of
>whack. Making it very difficult to work with the files. I had
>suggested downloading the pages from the Server and save them on
>a floppy disc.
>Any better ways to handle something like this?

I develop web sites in GoLive on a Mac and really like the program.

I always have my clients download their sites via ftp, even if they are
using GoLive for Windows instead of GoLive for Mac.

If someone else is going to maintain the site using software other than
GoLive, the site should be exported as html.  When that is done, GoLive
tags are stripped.  If a developer has used GoLive's "layout grid," that
grid is converted to a table.

Trouble comes when people use other software to import a GoLive site or
page of html that has not been stripped of its proprietary tags.
DreamWeaver or FrontPage will butcher the layout because of the unfamiliar

If I am going to maintain and update the site, or if the client is going to
do updates in GoLive, I leave the GoLive tags in place because they make
working with the files easier.

Lisa Erwin

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