Re: Little validation quiz!

by "Ben Z. Tels" <optimusb(at)>

 Date:  Tue, 11 Aug 1998 01:56:07 +0200
 To:  <hwg-theory(at)>
  todo: View Thread, Original
-----Original Message-----
From: B. Szyszka <bart(at)>
To: jallen(at) <jallen(at)>;
hwg-theory(at) <hwg-theory(at)>
Date: maandag 10 augustus 1998 20:15
Subject: Re: Little validation quiz!

>Not at all. The title element and doctype are required, and, as I've said
>the HTML and HEAD -TAGS- are optional.

As are the start and end-tags for BODY.

>> HTML documents require the following elements:  DOCTYPE, HTML, HEAD,
>> TITLE, and BODY (FRAMESET).  All other elements are optional.
>The HTML tag is optional, and I don't believe that the element is assumed
>by anything.

Its presence is implied by the presence of HEAD and BODY elements, as well
as the presence of version information. In a valid HTML document, all that
is not in the DOCTYPE element is (in) the HTML element.

>The HEAD element is assumed by the title element, and the
>BODY element is assumed by elements such as the paragraph, header, etc.,
>but correct me if I'm wrong, there's no assuming for the HTML element.

By HEAD, BODY and version information.

>>TITLE are the only TAGS that must appear in every document,
>Title is most certainly an element, see:

Everything that has a start tag is an element. Including TITLE (not to be
confused with the attribute title).

>> this, because it gives the false impression that HTML, HEAD, and BODY are
>> mandatory parts of every HTML document.
>An HTML document will certainly validate with just the DTD statement
>and the title element. Everything else, including the body element and
tags, are

In the way you mean it, HTML, HEAD and BODY elements are NOT optional;
rather, they are IMPLIED.

Ben Z. Tels

"The Earth is the cradle of the mind, but one cannot stay in the cradle

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