Re: Animation on a website

by "Steve Granter" <sgranter(at)>

 Date:  Sat, 4 Apr 1998 23:38:21 -0400
 To:  <hwg-theory(at)>
  todo: View Thread, Original
>I'm the type of person who doesn't like to use ALT tags in IMG for people
>who have non-graphical browsers

So, I guess that sight-impaired people don't deserve to use the Internet?!

>because if they are shut off completely from this aspect of the web, they
>will eventually feel compelled to upgrade their browsing technology.

Upgrading browser technology also implies hardware upgrades! NN4 doesn't
exactly run on a 286. I'm all for the "prettification" of information, or
else we'd be back in 1993, when websites had gray backgrounds and black
Times New Roman text. But does this mean the exclusion of users without the
latest browser technology? Or who can't afford the latest shiny new Pentium?
Sure, the web is all about progress, but we have to remember that not
everyone should be expected to upgrade their computers just to access
information, which is the what the WWW was created for, not for information
to be "better looking".

Case in point: The Internet is beginning to be used in developing countries
in Africa, especially in schools. But these schools can't afford the latest
computers, and often use second-hand vintages, which may be 386's or slower.
So these students should be forgotten about? Sure, they are probably not
your target audience, but as certain "technology" becomes prevalent, more
and more sites use it, making access difficult for those unfortunate users
without the latest browsers and/or hardware.

To generalize by saying animation, plugins, Javascript, etceteras don't
belong anywhere on the Web is ludicrous. I like websites that are engaging,
well designed, and have just a bit of flashiness. But to express the feeling
that people who aren't using the latest browser or have MHz to spare should
be left in the Web's proverbial dust; well I think that's being selfish.

My $0.02. Flame away!

PS: Jason Wallin- Great comments! You beat me to the list while I was
writing this rant! LOL

Steve Granter
(URL coming soon to a browser near you!)

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