Re: Which Server Platform?

by "Ben Z. Tels" <optimusb(at)>

 Date:  Fri, 26 Jun 1998 14:18:55 +0200
 To:  <hwg-theory(at)>
  todo: View Thread, Original
-----Original Message-----
From: Robin S. Socha <r.socha(at)>
To: hwg-theory(at) <hwg-theory(at)>
Date: vrijdag 26 juni 1998 13:46
Subject: Re: Which Server Platform?

>Ben, could you *please* adjust your linewidth?

No, I can't. ASCII text has a fixed linewidth.

>Your quotes are completely
>broken, too.

Yeah, there's a problem with the auto-quoting and sometimes I have to add
quoting by hand. When I get mixed up, things go haywire.
This message should be allright, though.

>> This is the fourth most ridiculous thing I've ever heard. UNIX needs a
>> stable platform to run on? UNIX doesn't need ANY platform to run on, a
>> UNIX-flavor IS an operating system. It IS the platform.
>Jehova! Well, girls, I suggest dropping the subject. This is starting to
>more than just slightly ridiculous, isn`t it?

Well, can I help it? It is the fourth most ridiculous thing on my list so
far. The list:

1. "I saw it on television, so it must be true" (I kid you not, someone
actually posted that to a newsgroup)
2. "Since we can't accelerate to the speed of light, we should think about
accelerating BEYOND the speed of light instead"
3. "It's impossible to do that" (said right after the speaker had seen it

and now:

4. "Unix needs a stable platform to run on"

>I suggest reading the specs again and then pay the advocacy newsgroups a
>visit. NT is about os POSIX compliant as the coke bottle right here before

As you wish. I shall not debate you, for lack of having tried it myself.

>[weird coding stuff]
>> So you see, speed depends very much on the way the emulator works.....
>Ummm... yeah, sure. And your point was?

That the proposed comparison (Unix emulating Windows for a Win App and vice
versa) was not one that means anything. At least, not like that.

>Excellent observation, Ben. However, we were initially talking about "which
>server platform" and we have not come to any sort of solution whatsoever.

Oh, I know. However, I responded to a post containing some erroneous
suggestions about emulation.

Ben Z. Tels

"The Earth is the cradle of the mind, but one cannot stay in the cradle

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