Re: Entire site in Flash?

by "Mike Burks" <mburks952(at)>

 Date:  Sun, 16 Aug 1998 13:20:06 -0400
 To:  "David Meadows" <david(at)>,
"jayse" <jayse(at)>
 Cc:  "hwg-theory" <hwg-theory(at)>
  todo: View Thread, Original

Well Said!

Thank you!


Mike Burks
-----Original Message-----
From: David Meadows <david(at)>
To: jayse <jayse(at)>; Mike Burks <mburks952(at)>
Cc: hwg-theory <hwg-theory(at)>
Date: Sunday, August 16, 1998 12:25 PM
Subject: Re: Entire site in Flash?

>From: jayse <jayse(at)> wrote:
>>> I strongly recommend you take a look at  I think you
>>> find some things of interest there.
>>Oye!! His site always reminds me of eating a stale Saltine minus the
>>salt while you're baking your tennis shoe in anticipation of something
>It reminds me more of mixing up a protein drink... you know it's going
>to be bland but you don't care because you the best nourishment you
>could ever give your body and you're going to SMASH that 400 pound mark
>at the gym tonight :-)
>>narrator's dry voice sounding like those scratchy 16mm science films
>>from 7th grade.
>But didn't you learn stuff in the 7th grade that you continue to use for
>the rest of your life? Sure, at the time you wanted to cut school and
>watch TV at home, but looking back now, boy are you glad you didn't...
>>SURE the content's there!! SURE you'll get some nourishment from that
>>ancient cracker... but blech!
>Here's a "parable", or an analogy if you prefer: We have a popular
>science program on British television, "Horizon" (you have an equivalent
>in the States, "Nova"). Once upon a time I watched it avidly, never
>missing a week. These days, I miss it more than I see it. I certainly
>don't go out of my way to record it if I'm out that evening.
>The reason? Somewhere down the line, "Flash" took over from science.
>Instead of 60 minutes of information, we get 20 minutes of animation...
>we get 10 minutes of artistic pictures of trees... we get 10 minutes of
>watching the scientist in his kitchen... 10 minutes of the scientist
>driving to work... and somewhere in all that we get 10 minutes of
>science. So I don't watch it. I can't waste an hour of my life to get a
>10 minute science lesson. I'll but a book and read it for 60 minutes
>That's how I fell on viewing a lot a web sites... sure, there was plenty
>of stuff there but WHY is it all there? Why did I have to wait for the
>animated logo to download when all I really want to do is find out how
>product x works?
>Note: I also recommend
>David Meadows [ Technical Writer | Information Developer ]
>DNRC Minister for Littorasy * david(at)
>"Is not this the most reprehensible form of ignorance,
> that of thinking one knows what one does not know?"
>      -- Socrates

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