Re: Nesting elements

by "Simon A. Crase" <simon_crase(at)>

 Date:  Sat, 5 Aug 2000 10:31:35 +1000
 To:  "Mark Stradling" <mark.stradling(at)>,
"HWG XML List \(E-mail\)" <hwg-xml(at)>
 References:  netstoremail
  todo: View Thread, Original
"Mark Stradling" <mark.stradling(at)> wrote:
> Can I define an element called product which can include other instances
> itself?
> <!ELEMENT product (description, quantity, price, product)>
> So I end up with XML like...
> <order>
>     <product type="photo">
>         <description>A photograph</description>
>         <product type="frame">
>             <description>A metal frame</description>
>         </product>
>     </product>
> </order>
I tried recursive XML similar to what you described a while ago.  As I
recall it validated fine, IE 5 displayed it OK, but I had a lot of trouble
getting XSLT to process the nested definitions.  In the end I gave up on XSL
& tried something else.



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