XML with CSS markup question

by "Bryan Bateman" <batemanb(at)home.com>

 Date:  Wed, 27 Sep 2000 14:24:28 +0100
 To:  <hwg-xml(at)hwg.org>
  todo: View Thread, Original
Hi Kynn,

I went to the link you suggested for HR DTD's.  I am in the process of using
it to create an online resume.  First, before I ask my question, let me say
that working with their DTD and the restrictions it places on content and
presentation is a window into their thought processes.  I especially like
the "ResumeProlog".  It content deals with how much do you want and what
benefits do you want ( And all this before you even give them your name ).
Which leads into my question.

There is alot of information that can be entered in the XML document.  If
(for now) I want to keep my presentation client side, how do I selectively
supress portions of the content without affecting the display of the

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