Re: Introduction

by "Frank Boumphrey" <bckman(at)>

 Date:  Wed, 18 Aug 1999 23:11:01 -0400
 To:  "Phil Stanley" <pstanley(at)>,
 References:  bckman rr
  todo: View Thread, Original

actually I know you probably know the answers to all these, but they are
good questions and worth archiving!

> being what will be the winning style sheet?  CSS or XSL?

anyones guess!

actually they are quite different. CSS will decorate an XML parse tree, XSL
caries out a transformation ann THEN decorates the tree.

I would like to use XML for EDI

Then go ahead and use it! The pieces are in place to do this.

> but pulling all the peices together to make it happen is a chore in

Try ASP and XML

> I am overloaded with terms like SAX, DOM, DTD, XML Schema, CCS, XSL, XQL,
> DCOM, COM and many more!


a Simple Api for Xml

Document Object Model. A common API for tree structured documents. the
current rec is DOM level 1, but level 2 is on the way.

Fully implemented in IE5. Both the ADO "Microsoft.XMLDOM" and the DSO
support the DOM

DTD: -  Document Type Definition: - a schema that outlines the stucture and
content model of an XML document.

XML: -  Duh...!

XML Schema : - An alternative to the DTD marked up as XML. See

CSS: -  Cascading Style sheets. to link a style sheet to an XML document

XSL: -  A styling language that also carries out transformations on the XML
tree. See both

DCOM, COM  See; -

to obtain the MSXML dll to use as a common object model


----- Original Message -----
From: Phil Stanley <pstanley(at)>
To: <hwg-xml(at)>
Sent: Wednesday, August 18, 1999 10:07 PM
Subject: Re: Introduction

> I too am looking forward to this list.  I have many questions.  The first
> being what will be the winning style sheet?  CSS or XSL?  Whats the best
> development tools for XML applications?  I wouldl like to use XML for EDI
> but pulling all the peices together to make it happen is a chore in itself

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