ADMIN: HWG Updates and Reminders

by "Judith C. Kallos" <hwg-lgmgr(at)>

 Date:  Thu, 22 Aug 2002 15:51:16 -0700
 To:  aware-techniques(at)
  todo: View Thread, Original
Hello, List Members:  ;-)

This email is being sent to each of the HWG's Lists to bring you up to date 
on  recent changes we have made to the List Guide contact emails and to 
request your assistance on several matters.

1)  In order to help minimize the spam that the List Guide Team has to weed 
through to get to member inquiries and requests for assistance, we have 
changed all contact email addresses for List support.  If you need 
assistance from the List Guides, the new email addresses are noted on each 
List's respective Web Site page @ The old contact addresses 
are no longer functional. Basically, the new addresses follow this format:


where [list] would be the name of the list you need assistance on.  For 
this list, hwg-aware-techniques-help(at) would contact the List Guide 
currently on duty.

2)  We have had a difficult time as of late keeping up with folks who 
attach autoresponders to their subscribed email addresses causing their 
autos to go to every member of the list.  As a courtesy to your fellow 
members, please unsubscribe /before/ you engage an autoresponder to your 
subscribed email address.  If an email address is identified as having an 
autoresponder, you will be unsubscribed from the list(s) and have to 
resubscribe upon your return.

3)  If you feel there may be list operational or administrative problems, 
please contact the List Guides directly rather than post your 
comments/concerns to the list.  This will help keep the lists on topic and 
without unnecessary distraction.  Many times we have already addressed the 
issue at hand and are in the process of resolving it before your post hits 
the list.  ;-)

Thank you for your assistance on the above matters.  The List Guide Team is 
always here in the background to help keep the lists running smoothly, to 
assist you with your inquiries and to solve any issues as quickly as 

Have a great day!



HWG: hwg-basics mailing list archives, maintained by Webmasters @ IWA