aware-techniques archives | Apr 2002 | new search | results | previous | next |
Hi Jim, The alt attribute is not valid with the Anchor element, so cannot be used for this purpose. Consider using the 'name' or 'id' attribute in its stead. Note that both share the same name space, so only one or the other can be used for each unique anchor. Hope this helps, Carole 4/15/02 2:19:30 PM, Jim Coffield <coffield(at)> wrote: >Hi, > >I am new to this list so the question may have already been addressed. >Although it does not appear to be required, there are times when it is >useful to put additional information in the anchor tag for a text link. I >have seen this done using the 'title' attribute within the anchor tag. >Since the title attribute is not fully supported by some assistive >technology, can the 'alt' attribute be used instead? Will text-readers, >etc. recognize the 'alt' attribute when used within an anchor tag? > >Thanks > >Jim > >James E. Coffield, Ph. D. >Center for Educational Technologies >NASA Classroom of the Future >Wheeling Jesuit University >316 Washington Avenue >Wheeling, WV 26003 >coffield(at) > >304-243-2469 (work) >304-242-3569 (home) >304-243-2497 (fax) > > > Carole Gay HTML Writers Guild Online Education Instructor, HTML and Design Concepts Director, HTML Writers Guild Gutenberg Project
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