RE: Hello?

by "Shelley Watson" <shelley(at)>

 Date:  Wed, 23 Jan 2002 13:08:50 -0800
 To:  "John Foliot - Another 4:00 AM Web Thing" <foliot(at)>,
 In-Reply-To:  fouram
  todo: View Thread, Original

	Glad you started a discussion on this list :)  I don't know if the GoC's
(Gov't of Canada)guidelines are stricter in that I haven't had a chance to
view all the necessary information yet (on my to-do list which has grown
huge of late) however some information is available for those who wish to
view it at: .

	A recent death in my family has slowed down my goals to take courses and
learn more about web accessibility issues (which is one of the reasons I
joined this list :) ), however I'm looking forward to tackling that this
year.  From my personal perspective I am looking at ways to enable adults
with developmental disabilities to have greater access to computers and the
www, not just from a physical challenge p.o.v.  I.e., straight-foward, easy
to read navigation on sites would be a big plus :) .  Anyway, I have a
feeling you've started something and here's my show of hand  :)


> This appears to be the sleepiest list I've ever subscribed to.  What's the
> problem? Are there really no issues, or does nobody but a very small group
> of us actually care?
> - Yesterday I received an eMail from the good folk at M*crom*dia (names
> changed to protect the innocent) who have put on a travelling road show to
> demonstrate the accessibility features in a number of their applications
> (both graphic and code tools).  Has anyone been to any of these demos in
> their home town?  Is it worth investing half a day of dog and pony show?
> Inquiring minds want to know...
> - As a Canadian web developer located in Ottawa, Ontario, list
> members might
> be interested in the following fact:  The Canadian Federal Government has
> mandated all federal web sites be compliant to the Level 1 and Level 2 WAI
> Guidelines, similar to the Section 508 statute in the US, but, to my
> understanding, stricter.  Can anybody confirm or deny this fact?
> - There is a dire need for developers who are both aware and able
> to code to
> these standards... hint<wink>.  The Canadian government has provided a
> testing group to assist governmental employees who actually work
> on federal
> sites ( to help them
> identify and correct potential problems.  Attendees consistently ask if
> there are any "real time" support mechanisms out there.  I would love to
> recommend this list, but the last posting was dated October 8th, 2001.
> So, show of hands... is there anybody out there?
> JF
> Ottawa, Ont.

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