RE: Domain hosting terminology

by "Katherine Pollara" <kpollara(at)>

 Date:  Thu, 8 Nov 2001 00:17:56 -0500
 To:  "'HWG Basics'" <hwg-basics(at)>
 In-Reply-To:  webgraffix
  todo: View Thread, Original
Does this have anything to do with having a static IP address?  I've noticed
that many hosts list static IP addresses as a feature.  What does this
really mean?
Kate Pollara

-----Original Message-----
From: owner-hwg-basics(at) [mailto:owner-hwg-basics(at)]On
Behalf Of WebGraffix Internet Design and Consulting
Sent: Wednesday, November 07, 2001 10:08 PM
To: Linda
Cc: HWG Basics
Subject: Re: Domain hosting terminology


Here's the scoop: (I use pair also).

Whenever you purchase a domain name with pair, your initial account is
setup with the first domain name purchased.  Any following domain names
may be set up as "virtual" domain names.  This means that your first
domain's index page will be located in the "public_html" directory.  You
CAN, if you want to, have all of the remaining domain names pointing to
the same directory.  Usually, though, you will want to create another
directory inside of your public_html directory and, during setup of the
domain name, set the new domain name up to point to the new directory.
For instance:

main account directory
 - public_html
   - index.html
   - Images/
   - domain2/
    - domain3/

In the example above, you tell the second domain name to point to the
subdirectory of usr/www/users/yourAccountName/domain2 where
"usr/www/users/yourAccountName" would be what is known as the absolute
path to your main account domain name.  The following URL would then be a
valid URL in the case above:

In reality, you could point any domain name (or multiple domains) you
wish to any directory you create under the public_html directory.  You
can also have a second domain name simply be parked and point to the same
domain name, which in reality does the same thing as pointing it to the
same directory as the first domain name, but is set up slightly different
on the server (and also will save you the extra $1/month).

I host over 80 domain names with pair and have between 5 and 10 MySQL
databases as well.  Their control panel is very good, and their email
support is very good for the most part, but phone support is
non-existent.  Pricewise, though, they can't be beat.  No phone solictor
has EVER come close to what they offer (not even on the same planet).

Does this help any?

Keith D. Sellars
email: Keith(at)

"Database solutions for information packed web sites"

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Linda wrote:

> I have registered and found a host ( for five domain names.
> Fortunately all five are for the same customer as they goe through
> the process of decide what web address they want.
> It surprises me that all 5 domains reflect the same html pages.
> Something I wanted but didn't know how to do. I thought I'd have to
> have 5 folders, each with the domain name and separate index.html
> pages.  Is it because they are all in the same account?
> But now I want to delete all but two domains and have them reflect
> each other, and then add a new and third domain that is totally
> separate from the others.  A new account for the third domain?
> What terminology do I use to help me learn what it is I have and what
> it is I want.
> Also, can a Domain mirror only a specific topic of an already
> existing domain (with approvals)?
> is willing to help, I'm sure, but I don't know what words to
> use.  Perhaps there is reading material you can refer me to?
> Linda

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