Re: spawning

by "Andy21a" <andy.a21(at)>

 Date:  Sun, 28 Nov 1999 18:48:04 -0000
 To:  <hwg-basics(at)>
  todo: View Thread, Original
Spawning is kicking in another program, like if you have a linked or
embedded picture in say...word, word can't edit the picture itself, so it
uses the picture's 'server' (the program which created the picture), and
spawns the program as an extension of itself, which is why you get paint's
toolbars in the word program for example, same goes for embedded object is a
web page, the page doesn't know how to run the embedded object...but it
knows a program that can (usually).



>>While meddling/struggling with the LYNX browser, I got a message
>>"Spawning is currently disabled"
>>What is spawning?
>>-- ** Adalbert & Barbel Goertz

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