Re: rotating image in .jpg file

by "Ted Temer" <temer(at)>

 Date:  Sun, 12 Dec 1999 10:17:26 -0800
 To:  <hwg-basics(at)>
  todo: View Thread, Original

Yes--You need some kind of software to rotate a .jpg or any

However, there is software and then there is software. As I
recall, even Paint that comes with Windows will rotate SOME

You do not need a "high end" graphics program like Canvas,
PhotoShop, etc. -- or even a medium one like Paint Shop Pro.

There are dozens of programs, small and large that will do this:
The "Image Composer" part of FrontPage
MS Publisher
MS Word
WordPerfect (I think??)
Adobe's PageMaker and Quark's Express
Group 42's WebImage
Any of Ulead's JPEG Applets like SmartSaver
and--any of a zillion others ...

Note however, that some of the publishing/word processor programs
may--or may not work depending on the .JPEG's compression, etc.

In most cases, you open/place the graphic in the program and
rotate/modify it. Then select it and choose Save Selection As to
resave it as a .jpg

As noted above, you may find a program that changes the rotation
back to the original when you save it--or--refuses to either
rotate it or save it as a .jpg. Still, I would be surprised if
the average Windows user did not have SOMETHING on their machine
that will do it for you. What many will NOT do is control the
compression or quality.

Those of us fortunate to have Canvas on our machines, do most of
our work there because it combines both vector and bitmapped
graphics. So we don't often play with the other programs as much
as we should. Others on the list may be of more help.

If you decide you have to buy a program, I highly recommend
Canvas 7, They have a competitive upgrade policy
to keep the price down and it does it "all".

Best wishes
Ted Temer
Temercraft Designs Redding, CA

>This is probably a really basic question: how do I rotate the
image in a
>.jpg file through 90 degrees? Do I need special software to do
this, or is
>there an HTML tag that enables you to display an image rotated?
(I tried
>converting the file to a .bmp and rotating it that way, but the
loss of
>quality was disappointing.)
> Thanks,
> James Warner

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