Re: a question of appropriate response

by "Richard and Jolene Johnson" <jonric(at)>

 Date:  Sat, 1 Sep 2001 22:54:35 -0700
 To:  "Bert Doorn" <bert(at)>,
 References:  cablespeed bert
  todo: View Thread, Original
*.  Don't tell them they are wrong in using (frames,
tables, midi files, java applets, JavaScript, whatever) but ask if they have
thought about doing it another way (and offer examples).*

*If you have an alternative solution to a technical problem, to
achieve the SAME effect, by all means say so.  But if you are stating an
opinion, make that clear.*

Well stated, Bert!

Jolene Johnson

----- Original Message -----
From: Bert Doorn <bert(at)>
To: <hwg-basics(at)>
Sent: Saturday, September 01, 2001 6:18 PM
Subject: Re: a question of appropriate response

> G'day
> Depends on the circumstances and on how you word your comments/opinions.
> approach is to answer the technical question AND where I feel it
> offer alternatives.  Don't tell them they are wrong in using (frames,
> tables, midi files, java applets, JavaScript, whatever) but ask if they
> thought about doing it another way (and offer examples).
> > For example, recently somebody asked for general critique of his site. I
> > thought that for what it was, it was nice. However, looking at the
> > source code I noticed that he used frames to build he pages.
> In my opinion, there's nothing wrong with frames if they are used
> No, I am not looking for a debate on frames vs noframes, NN vs IE etc..
> There are many "I hate" clubs out there and everyone has opinions.  I hate
> browsers that don't support CSS or that crash my computer.  I use the
> monopoly's browser, even though I hate monopolies.  There is an
> but I hate ads. These ads can be removed, but I hate paying for something
> when I can get a similar tool free of charge.  I hate ranting, so I'll
> it right there :-)
> As with everything, some people (and organisations) misuse technology.
> does not make the technology wrong.  I mean, javascript must be bad too,
> since a lot of sites use it to generate annoying, persistent popup boxes
> with advertising.  Purists would say that tables are also misused on
> all sites - many people (including yours truly) use them for layout
> purposes, which is not what they were intended for.  The list goes on....
> To sum up...  If you have an alternative solution to a technical problem,
> achieve the SAME effect, by all means say so.  But if you are stating an
> opinion, make that clear.
> Regards
> --
> Bert Doorn, Web Developer
> Beginners Web Design Tutorial

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