Re: What would you like your users to know (was: Another W3C strict query)
by "Pagan Prince" <pagan_prince(at)>
> I'm going to write some boilerplate text that people can use for this sort
> of thing: "To open a link in a new window...." Apart from opening the link
> in a new window, and using the back and history functions, what browser
> tips would people like to give their users?
> Andrew
> --
I dunno if this is much of a tip to the users as much as the designers.
Just because you can design at a resolution of 3000x2000 (doesn't exist, I
just an example) doesn't mean the average Joe User can browse at that
(either because monitor or graphic card doesn't support it). Same goes if
you have
broadband. Just 'cause you got it doesn't necessarily mean your whole
is gonna have broadband. Also, don't just design for IE or NS or any other
browser. is a site that belongs to a friend of
mine and we
have had no end of conflicts over her designing so the site is "best viewed
at" 1024x768
(which by no means means it's a good site, the concept is good, the
execution is poor).
I too, feel into this trap of designing at my max resolution and others
either not being
able to, not wanting to, or not even having the browser window maximized to
see the
site as I see it. I finally dropped my bid for the project because my vision
for the site
and the realization that it won't be seen that way by most people caused me
no end
of stress. (I wanted to do a quad framed site that included all the "base
links" in the
three navigation frames while displaying all that in the main frame). Talk
about a nightmare.
I was using every trick I knew of to try and control the size of the text so
it looked good at
both 800x600 AND 1024x768, but alas, I couldn't do it. I just wish there was
some way to
detect the end users resolution and have the font and frames (which I
defined in percentages)
dynamically resize to fit that users computer. Of course that wouldn't help
who don't maximize their browser windows while surfing (which IMHO, is quite
*looks around*climbs down off soapbox* Sorry, I guess I just started
rambling. hehe, carry on.
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