
by "Linda Shumaker" <lshum(at)>

 Date:  Fri, 24 Mar 2000 19:45:42 -0600
 To:  <hwg-basics(at)>
  todo: View Thread, Original
I am waiting for my domain name to be transferred from one of those freebies
to our local server. A big mistake. I have been waiting for more than three
weeks for them to transfer the thing. But in the meantime I have really
reduced my learning curve and I might actually be ready to do some real work
by the time I get that straightened out.  I have another frames question
though. I have tried and tried to get this one right.

My actual site is built in frames. With one HUGE problem all the pages open
into seperate browsers instead of opening into the main _body frame. I have
gone over and over my code for that and can't figure what is wrong. The code
is below if you could help me with this I would REALLY appreciate it.


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isimages.Untitled23_ov.src = "images/untitled2jireh_scopeov.jpg";

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