hwg-basics archives | Apr 2000 | new search | results | previous | next |
netscape javascriptby "Rayne Alburquerque" <rayneal(at)home.com> |
I am in the javascript class that is going on right now and our assignment is to get a user input using a prompt and write it to a new window. I created a new small window with set dimensions. This works in IE but in Netscape, it opens a full window. Can anyone tell me why it is doing this? The URL is: www.raynebair.com/jsclass/extracredit3.html Thanks, Rayne Rayne Alburquerque rayneal(at)home.com http://www.raynebair.com/ Help feed the hungry people of the world. Give a free donation of food at http://www.thehungersite.com
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