Re: Breaking Up Images

by "Comharsa" <comharsa(at)>

 Date:  Fri, 10 Dec 1999 00:31:19 -0000
 To:  "HWG-BASIC LIST" <hwg-basics(at)>
 References:  pyrotechsystems
  todo: View Thread, Original
> I've always admired how web designers take a large image, break it up into
> pieces, and then they manage to use tables to align them so the fit
> perfectly.
> Can anyone give me instructions on hpw to perform such a task.  Starting
> from how to break the image up, to placing them in tables.
> I use programs such as photoshop, pain shop pro, image styler, and
> frontpage.  Just because I use them, doesnt mean I know what I'm doing.
> Thanks
> Nick

Number of ways of doing this from chopping up the picture yourself and
building the table or getting some software to do it for you. The best that
I've seen for this is Fireworks but it isn't cheap. There is also a freeware
program called PictureDicer by Shoestring Software. Both of these not only
chop up the picture along the guides you set but they also create the HTML
necessary for the table to put them back together. Fireworks even writes the
JavaScript for rollover effects and hotspots.

Fireworks (trial) is available from while
PictureDicer can be got from



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