page crashes Netscape - why?

by "Ben Bradley UK" <bradley(at)>

 Date:  Thu, 3 Aug 2000 00:32:42 +0100
 To:  "HWG" <hwg-basics(at)>
  todo: View Thread, Original
> 1) They used FP98
> 2) They used MSIE specific tags
> 3) The basic fundamental structure of the document is incorrect.

Netscape is usually pretty tolerant about tags it doesn't understand as like
all browsers it should just treat it as nonsense and display any text within
the tags it doesn't understand.
In my experience NN is also fairly tolerant of incorrect nesting of tags -
like <.pies><.stuff><./pies><./stuff> cross nesting (without the full stops)
but only within the body of the page. If something is amiss with the <html
tags, no head demarkation or no head, body or html closing tags - or even an
incorrect document type definition.

It's still quite spectacular though. It crashed as I write this...

The other errors through the validator are only within the body tag.
Try putting a doctype in - should work!

Ben Bradley UK
Creative Director

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