Re: Displaying product pictures (frames or new windows?)

by "Paul Wilson" <webgooru(at)>

 Date:  Thu, 3 Aug 2000 07:42:15 -0500
 To:  "Jim Tom Polk" <jtpolk(at)>,
 References:  texas
  todo: View Thread, Original

> Make the world a better place: just say no to frames.


I second that emotion and wholeheartedly agree with what you said.  I would
also like to mention that if you use frames, the Search Engines barf on it.
They can't
handle frames.  Its too confusing for them. You won't get indexed or
or whatever you want to call it. They ban framed sites.  Effectively you
wont exist
on the Internet as an entity at the Search Engines. That means you have to
rely on other means to bring people to the website like advertising and
ads. We all know how well banners work.  Advertising costs money and should
a part of the business plan, not the only thing you can rely on.

How do I know about frames?  Personal experience.  I built a large website
and for months we could not get listed.  The owner was beating me up every
day about it.  I finally got him to believe the problem was frames and we
quickly redesigned the site.  Within two days we were listed on AltaVista.
other SE's listed us in the next month. If SE's tell you they ban frames -
them.  I might ad that I told this owner about this problem beforehand and
would not believe me. I could write a book about dealing with customers, but
that's another story.

I don't do frames anymore.  Its not up to discussion with me.  Won't do it!
Just say no.

Paul Wilson

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