hwg-basics archives | May 2002 | new search | results | previous | next |
Re: Netscapeby "Paul Wilson" <webguroo(at)tampabay.rr.com> |
> Of course I could rant, most will expect me to - but instead I'd just like to ask you a question: You're getting mellower. Actually someone needs to say something... 1. Frames are not universally accepted by all browsers 2. Frames make building and maintaing a website harder 3. Framed sites will not be listed on many search engines 4. Framed pages are a problem for text readers 5. Framed sites are considered passe' by most developers Its an outdated design concept that should have been killed long ago. But thats just my opinion. ======================== Paul Wilson webguroo(at)tampabay.rr.com ========================
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