Re: Homesite 4.0

by "Ted Temer" <temer(at)>

 Date:  Sat, 2 Sep 2000 10:10:42 -0700
 To:  "HWGBASICS" <hwg-basics(at)>
 References:  brainiac
  todo: View Thread, Original

> [rant on]
> Seems like everywhere I turn, I'm told I must have MS IE installed for
> anything to work. No other browsers exist, apparently. Is Allaire in bed
> with Microsoft? Even MS FrontPage doesn't require IE to preview!
> [rant off]

Back at the start of the Decade of the Eighties, I was looking around for
some type of "home computer". All of the dealers seemed to agree on only one
thing. Don't buy a Commodore. Nothing but junk, they said.

Then a nice young man who was dating my daughter, gave me a book about using
a Commodore 64. Wow!!! Not only would it do all the things those others were
"warning" me it wouldn't do--it did a whole bunch more. So--I bought a
Commodore 64 and used it for years. Even wrote several instruction books for
model airplane kits using it. (Yeah--even hand coding for special type on a
dot matrix printer.)

The moral of the story is ... Don't believe everything you hear.

Bill Gates and Microsoft did not get where they are by putting out junk that
nobody wanted !!!

OK Fuzzy, duck--here comes one ...

If one is running Windows 95 or 98, you are missing some of the best
features of Windows if you are NOT using IE 4+.

How it renders a web site is only a small portion of the value of Internet
Explorer. It really allows you to make the choices to significantly alter
the way Windows looks and acts.

As web authors, we all work with hundreds of images. With IE you can have
automatic thumbnails in Windows Explorer.

You can change from double click to single click. It REALLY is a lot nicer
once you get used to it. You can really use that fancy Microsoft mouse,
(With the wheel), in lots of new ways. And having a large part of Windows
and many programs work like web pages has to be used to be appreciated. One
could go on and on.

I use Windows 98 (Second Edition) with IE-5.5 installed. I will go out on a
limb and state that there is almost as big a difference between this and
plain Windows 95 as there once was between Windows 3.0 and DOS.

And to expand on what Jeff said---Once you start surfing with IE-5+ you will
start to see so much more at some sites than you ever saw before. You will
be seeing them as others see them. And--A lot less flickering, warnings,
JavaScript errors and out and out crashing.

I respect Jeff's cravat. So I also have Netscape 4, Web-TV's "browser" and
others. But I wouldn't dream of using them to do my own surfing when I have
IE available. I have enough grief in my life already. (slightly cynical

I suspect I am close to causing Fuzzy to suffer a coronary and I have been
told enough times about the value of knowing when to shut up ???

So I shall and best wishes
Ted Temer
Temercraft Designs Redding, CA

> Hello,
> Homesite 4.0 came with my copy of NetObjects Fusion. I hadn't looked at
> it until lately (today, in fact), because I didn't have the need at the
> time. I remembered it when I was looking for a good text editor.
> Problem is, I don't have MS IE 4.0 or later installed. And as I dislike
> it as a browser, and mistrust it as a program, I don't want to. How many
> of you who use Homesite use Design View, where IE is required? And if
> you don't mind IE, and have it installed, has it given you any problems?
> I've heard some negative things about the way it gets its tentacles into
> Windows, and won't let go.
> >>>>SNIP<<<<

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