Re: Linking to a directory on my hard drive

by "Abhay S. Kushwaha" <abhay(at)>

 Date:  Sat, 29 Apr 2000 16:24:47 +0530
 To:  "Basics [HWG]" <hwg-basics(at)>
 References:  mona
  todo: View Thread, Original
The funda is rather simple. Let's assume that you have this tree

- main
--- sub
----- sub2
--- s01

Now, if I am currently in sub2, the sub directory is "../" from me and
the main directory is "../../" from me. Similarly, the s01 directory
is "../../s01/" from me.

That is, each "../" will take you one directory *higher* in the
directory hierarchy.

What is going wrong:
   Taking help of the above structure, evidently you are in sub2 and
   want to take something from s01. So, when you issue the link call
   to "/main/s01/blah.html", the browser, upon seeing that there are
   no "../" there will simply put in *front* of current directory.

   That is, if we are in
   the browser will assume the link to be
   which obviously does not exist.

   As explained, just put a "../" for every level of directory
   hierarchy that you want to go "up" and then continue

   That is, the call in our case would be to



----- Original Message -----
From: Mona Guterman <mona_g(at)>
Subject: Linking to a directory on my hard drive

> Hello all.  I have been lurking for ages and have found this
> list extremely useful.  However now I need your help for
> something which is very basic.
> I am setting up an Intranet site and doing the work using
> CuteHTML on my hard drive.  I have the main pages in one
> directory and am using another directory for secondary pages,
> etc.
> I have used the following codes and neither have helped me.
> They are:
> <a href="/maindirectory/subdirectory/blah.html">blah</a>  or just
> <a href="/subdirectory/blah.html">blah</a>
> The page with the link does come up on the browser and when
> I click the link the next page I get is from IE saying "The page
> cannot be displayed, click refresh etc. etc.

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