Re: Page Not showing wiht netscape Navgator

by "Steven Antonio" <santonio(at)>

 Date:  Thu, 4 May 2000 15:25:28 -0400
 To:  "hwg-basics" <hwg-basics(at)>,
"David Pippen" <gadale(at)>
 References:  default
  todo: View Thread, Original
> Can anyone tell me why this page will not show Netscape Navigator


The page shows up in Navigator 4.08 when I download it to my desktop.  Is
the file name for your page just "News" with no extension?  If so, then the
MIME information that a server sends with the page may be missing or wrong.
Apparently Navigator and  Internet Explorer interpret this situation
differently.  Navigator is assuming it is a text file and Internet Explorer
assumes it is an HTML file (which happens to be right in this case).  I
didn't test this so I could be way off base, but it sounds good doesn't it?
:-)  Try adding an "htm" or "html" extension to your file name and see if
that solves the problem.

BTW- MIME designates the type of content the page contains.  Webservers know
what it is and pass this information along to the client (browser) by
looking at the extension of the file.  For instance: A text file would be
'filename.txt' and would be given the MIME type of "text/plain".  A web page
would be 'webpage.htm(l)' and be given the MIME type of "text/html".

Worthy of Mention-  I noticed you had some paragraph and image elements in
the 'head' section of your page.  These need to be in the 'body' section.

Steven A.

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