"ALT" [Was: Re: hwg-basics-digest V1 #774]

by "Abhay S. Kushwaha" <abhay(at)kushwaha.com>

 Date:  Tue, 7 Nov 2000 21:11:30 +0530
 To:  "Basics [HWG]" <hwg-basics(at)hwg.org>
 Cc:  "Pam Butler" <butler(at)netexpress.net>
 References:  myoffice
  todo: View Thread, Original
hi... "ALT" is for <img> tag.

whenever you use an <img> tag, make it your religion to use the
following *minimum* code:

<img src="source/name.ext" height="xx" width="xx" alt="alternative">

i usually add
in there too.

Here is the breakup:
   src      it defines the source of the image to be used
   height   it defines the height of the image for the browser
   width    it defines the width of the image for the browser
   alt      it defines the "alternative" text for the image. it was
            primarily used for the non-graphical browsers. They don't
            see the image itself -- adding an "alt", they see the text
            that you put as it's value. The graphical browsers, to
            add to it, use this "alt" as a small pop-up on the image,
            that is, if you hover your mouse over the image, a small
            pop-up comes up with the text.
   border   it is generally used to get rid of the blue border around
            the image when it is a link.

If this does not satisfy your query (which i doubt since u asked for
"example" specifically) just send the mail saying so! :)

See you around.

PS: CCing it to you since u get the digest and things are pretty slow
    these days on the list. :)

----- Original Message -----
From: "Pam Butler" <butler(at)netexpress.net>
Sent: Tuesday, November 07, 2000 7:41 PM

> Could you show me an example of using the ALT attribute in a
> webpage?

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