Re: Nested Tables (was: mouseover on strike/Table question)

by "Ted Temer" <temer(at)>

 Date:  Mon, 4 Dec 2000 16:08:47 -0800
 To:  "HWGBASICS" <hwg-basics(at)>
 References:  abbeyink
  todo: View Thread, Original

> And, don't forget the US Government -- I can't remember what my relative
> said, NN 3.0+ or IE 3.0+ was the latest *approved* version -- she's a
> contractor for the military. Now I wish I had paid closer attention to her
> e-mail, but one of those has not been approved over version 3.

If you relative works for an independent contractor, (and not a Federal
Agency itself), then they can run any browser they wish. I'd be curious as
to just who is doing the "approving".

Remember, even for Federal agencies, these are "recommended" standards, for
web authors to use in creating FEDERAL WEB SITES. They place far more weight
on BOBBY and other standards such as language, etc. than on browser brands.
But again, this is for creating the sites. Not for looking at them. (And
even these are revised upward every so often.) To my knowledge, there are no
universal, Federal restrictions as to what "browser" any given agency can
use in their office.

For example, my grand-son-in-law works in a USMC office and they use IE-5x
all over the place. A buddy who is a TV reporter was on the USS Harry S.
Truman recently and he claims they too, were using IE-5. Worst case I know
of personally, is the wife of a model airplane buddy that works in a USFS
office. They run Office 98 with Outlook  and were supplied with IE-4x as
part of the installation. Even there, some IE-5's, Flash, Real Audio and
other goodies are hidden on the occasional hard drive. No one seems to mind.

As to the others who mentioned Kodak and some corporations, in the United
Kingdom--If they are seriously suggesting that because of the backwardness
of these few "corporate" offices--that this is a valid reason to continue to
limit all their web sites to 2x or even 3x browsers--my question would be:

Will you still feel that way a year from now--or two years--or three??

Again--just where do you draw the line??

Parable: We have one local print shop--the owner of which, still insists on
setting type with an old DOS program. The rest of us want to and do use
Canvas 6 and PDF so we can interchange between Mac and PC. We finally had to
tell him "Sorry". Either upgrade or pay to have one of us generate the
printed output for him.

Again--I'm not saying we should ALL start writing for 4x or later browsers.
What I AM saying--is that it's high time we started THINKING about it. Then
each individual would make their own choice as to when and how far to carry
this out, depending on their OWN viewer base.

Best wishes
Ted Temer
Temercraft Designs Redding, CA

> >The one I worked for until last March is that dense. And it owns
> >railway network.

> And, don't forget the US Government -- I can't remember what my relative
> said, NN 3.0+ or IE 3.0+ was the latest *approved* version -- she's a
> contractor for the military. Now I wish I had paid closer attention to her
> e-mail, but one of those has not been approved over version 3.
> ~Tamara

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