Re: Converting Word Document, etc. to HTML

by "Ted Temer" <temer(at)>

 Date:  Sun, 19 Sep 1999 10:47:13 -0700
 To:  <hwg-basics(at)>
  todo: View Thread, Original

One of the problems with converting Word, (or WordPerfect) files
to HTML is that there are fundamental differences in the way that
tabs and indenting is handled.

Cassandra's suggestion about FrontPage is about as good as it
gets because FrontPage is designed to work with Word. We do
pretty well with FP-98 and Office 97 but the new 2000 programs
really work nice together.

That having been said, one still has to edit the occasional
mismatch due to the basic differences between word processing and

We pull a WordPerfect file into Word and make some adjustments.
But even then, when we drop the text into FrontPage, some of the
paragraph indentation will be off and require some mouse clicking
on the indent icons. (In our case--art pad poking [another silly

Granted, with a little forethought, much of the formatting can be
saved if it was typed in the proper way. The big problem we have
is that we receive material from a dozen different typists, each
doing something different.

If anyone does find a program that will automatically convert
every different possibility to proper HTML, we would sure love to
have a copy. The best one we have seen is our client's Word and
FrontPage 2000 combination. But even it, is still short of

Best wishes
Ted Temer
Temercraft Designs Redding, CA

>We have an Employee Manual that I keep on the company network as
>document so associates can access it with a web browser and it
>hyperlinks, etc.   To update the manual, etc. I am now editing
the HTML
>but the Manual has some indented paragraphs. lists and I would
like to
>add some tables, etc.  This can be a bit time consuming and I am
>wondering if there is a WYSIWYG word processing program that
allows easy
>and accurate conversion to HTML?   The Manual was typed with
Word 97'
>but when saved as an HTML document, much of the formatting was
>Thanks for any advice!
>Allan Fromm

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