RE: Dinosaurs

by "Kali Woodbridge" <kaliajer(at)>

 Date:  Wed, 22 Mar 2000 18:38:51 -0500
 To:  "'Ted Temer'" <temer(at)>,
"'HWGBASICS'" <hwg-basics(at)>,
 In-Reply-To:  localhost
  todo: View Thread, Original
Oh dear--

Steve and Ted are probably right.

But I still think your tools are just that. Tools. They need
intelligent use to design usable sites, effectively
communicate concepts, sell product, teach, etc. I used to
take great pride in producing technically and aesthetically
superior ads, brochures, letterheads, etc. with the
equivalent of "stone knives and bear clubs."

I still do, actually. But I have added to my "toolbox."

Good design and effective communication skills do not come
shrink-wrapped in a box. I am not the only one who makes
money off fixing sites created in WYSIWYG. Knowing what is
happening behind the scenes well enough to fix it is still a
necessary skill.


P.S. Steve-- It would take a cleanly written and executed
file to go through the process you described so cleanly.
Most people are not as skilled as you in that area.

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