Re: Saving Images

by "Steven Antonio" <santonio(at)>

 Date:  Tue, 20 Jun 2000 09:58:43 -0400
 To:  "HTML Writers' Guild" <hwg-basics(at)>
 References:  prcn webgraffix
  todo: View Thread, Original
As others have stated, there is no way to completely keep an image from
being stolen.  However, I just had a couple of thoughts that you guys mind
find interesting.  I see two distinct benefits from using javascript to
disable the right mouse button:

1. The average computer user doesn't know about the ability to capture the
screen.  (granted most savy theives will though)

2. (This is the better one) By capturing the screen, you are not getting an
exact copy of the artist's worth, and that to me is a big bonus.  Unless you
can get to the actual file, the copy will be saved as how the user's machine
displays it.  You are not getting a bit copy anymore.  Colors WILL be
different, detail may be lost or distortion introduced.

It's still not a perfect solution, but perhaps it may lend some solace to
the artist.


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