OS platforms-mac vs.windows

by "Lady Wistfulee" <wistfulee(at)hawaii.rr.com>

 Date:  Fri, 29 Oct 1999 12:18:57 -1000
 To:  <hwg-basics(at)mail.hwg.org>
  todo: View Thread, Original
Hello Experienced People,
I was reading an article (http://www.zeldman.com/tricksf.html) that =
stated "...Readers on the PC platform may wonder why all this matters, =
but 65% of web sites are designed on a Macintosh, due to its heritage as =
a graphic design, advertising and desktop publishing platform. "   My =
question is simple: is this true? & if it is true, why does StatMarket =
list their OS stats for Macs at less than 3%? If this is true, it means =
that 3% of the total computer-owning world is designing 65% of all the =
web sites?  If any of you can explain this phenomena, please help to =
unconfuse this (evidently) total newbie who gets completely confused =
with the glut of information on a daily basis.  As a side note...could =
any of you please give me some tips on how to weed out the poor advice =
from the good stuff?  Thanks to this list, I have corrected a few =
misconceptions I had due to improper advice.  Also, if I have chosen the =
wrong list to submit this to, I apologize, I maybe wrongfully) assumed =
knowing about OS's is a "basics" question.
much alohas from Oahu ...
Lady Wistfulee
--"He who wants milk should not=20
sit on a stool in the middle of the pasture=20
expecting the cow to back up to him."

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