Re: Alt and/or Title

by "Lauri Vain" <optima(at)>

 Date:  Fri, 5 Jan 2001 18:34:46 +0200
 To:  "WoodyBoi" <woodyboi(at)>,
"JamesKB" <jameskb(at)>,
"HWG" <hwg-basics(at)>
 References:  bones woodybass
  todo: View Thread, Original

> I do both...  It just depends on what application....  For instance..  for
> logos and such..  I dont use them... but I DO use them if I have graphical
> elements in the Navigation Bar as another means of explaining where that
> link will take them and maybe even what they might find..... etc etc

Woody, James, everybody. You should use the ALT attribute *always*. There are
lots and lots of people who don't use them for, say, spacer images, borders,
logos and so on. This is a mistake because when a speech synthesizer out there
hits a image with no ALT text specified, it says something ugly like "IMAGE"
(let's face it, it *is* ugly).

When you really don't want your images or something to read anything or the
image doesn't need it, you should specify an empty attribute. ALT="" works every
time, this causes the speech synthesizer to skip the image, saying nothing.
Imagine when you would be visually impared and your browser would say "IMAGE"
every time somebody hasn't specified another ALT attribute for their img.


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