Re: Mac system fonts?

by "Ted Temer" <temer(at)>

 Date:  Sun, 26 Dec 1999 11:51:46 -0800
 To:  "HWGBASICS" <hwg-basics(at)>
  todo: View Thread, Original

If I have misunderstood you question, please forgive.

If you are talking about WEB creation then the machine you are
using has little to do with the choice of fonts "on the web
page". That is the function of the browser.

For printed work, one of the most popular fonts is Times or Times
Roman. This is a serf font and the general thought is that it is
easier to read large volumes of text with a serf font. But--For
web work, many, (most) like a sans serf font like Arial or
Helvetica. It is often easier to read on a screen. (The previous
statement is of course, subject to both verbal and physical fist

My point is that all of the above mentioned fonts "may" be found
on either machine. So many web authors code their choice of fonts
something like this:
<font="Arial, Helvetica, sans serf">

If you wanted to use a serf font, the code would be:
<font="Times, Times New Roman, serf">

The browser will look upon these choices, rub it's virtual hands
in glee and look over the hand drive for a match. Being lazy, it
will display the first one on the list it finds.

And while it is true that many users of Macs and Windows machines
may indeed have different fonts, you will have little control
over such things. This is why one gives the browser a choice.

As to finding the fonts on a Mac, I understand they too have a
means of searching for files on their hard drives. Use that
utility and look for "Helvetica" as this is often, but not always
found on a Mac. Once you locate the directory you can then see
all the fonts installed. Of course, you should also see such a
listing of available fonts in any good word processor installed
like Word or WordPerfect.

I hope this helps and is not too far off the point.
Best wishes
Ted Temer
Temercraft Designs Redding, CA

>Hello all,
>I finally get a paying web job and wouldn't you know it, the
>uses Macs and I use WIntel! My question is this: Does the
Macintosh come
>with "system" fonts like those in Windows?. If so, would some
kind Mac
>user point me to resources that would show them to me. That way
I can
>choose the best one for the job.
>Any help is appreciated.
> ( %27 =
apostrophe )

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