Re: Macromedia online training classes

by "Katherine Pollara" <kpollara(at)>

 Date:  Mon, 19 Mar 2001 12:34:40 -0500
 To:  "Sandra White" <swhite(at)>,
"Hwg-Basics(at)Hwg.Org" <hwg-basics(at)>
 References:  ubalt
  todo: View Thread, Original
I see the words elementK in the URL you sent.  This tells me that it an
element K publication is going to be used for the class.  You might want to
go to either or ElementK's own website or to any other online
book source to get a feel for the feedback on this publication.

I have used Element K titles for two classes so far.  The one I used in my
Oracle class was so full of typos that I nearly was going to send them an
editing bill for requiring me to read that crap.  My ASP class is using
another EK title.  I would say that you should read other publications as
well since my feeling is that you will not get a full background on these
topics if you rely solely on the EK input.  Perhaps with Macromedia there
will be other support materials online as well.  This might make it a very
effective course.  Once you do your homework, please share your conclusions
with us.

Online training can be just about as effective as classroom training, but it
depends on the assignments and how intensive they are.  Anyone who has taken
any of the hwg classes can attest to their quality.  I learned a lot from
them, but you are quite dependent on the text or other materials the teacher
supplies for reading.  I prefer having a text myself for future reference
and I hate printing out 20 pages from the web on cheap copy paper when I can
have the same thing in a textbook that lasts almost indefinitely.

Good luck.
Kate Pollara

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