Linking question

by "rbrosey" <rbrosey(at)>

 Date:  Mon, 4 Oct 1999 16:14:45 -0400
 To:  <hwg-basics(at)>
  todo: View Thread, Original
Hi all...

Got a problem... I know whats new!

I have a 3 frame main index page that references a top, side, and main

I am trying to link my main index page with another main index page that
contains a standard format for general information.  What I want to happen
is that when a visitor clicks on one of several informational links it would
change the main index page ( that has a different frame layout)  to include
launching the desired information document into the main window.

So, on the first page it normally would have a simple call as <a
href="whatever.htm" target="main"></a> but I don't what just the
whatever.htm doc to launch into the present main window.  What I want is to
launch say index2.htm and them load that whatever.htm doc into the main

Hope someone can make some sense of my thoughts I am really hung on this
stupid problem.


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