hwg-basics archives | Sep 1999 | new search | results | previous | next |
Re: Sidebar questionby "Ted Temer" <temer(at)c-zone.net> |
Cindy: Whoops -- I missed that part. Have to admit that by using FrontPage it has been over a year since I have had occasion to actually TYPE a background command of any kind. (You just point the old art pen and push) Therefore, I skipped over the code without really looking at it. Even on the busiest of days, one needs to slow down and really read the posts to the list. And--Yes--I was referring to colored backgrounds in individual cells of a table as a means of creating a colored column on one side or the other. This works everywhere but old Netscape's and I watch my text and overall background colors to be sure everything degrades OK. Sorry for any confusion and best to all: Ted Temer Temercraft Designs Redding, CA temer(at)c-zone.net http://www.temercraft.com http://www.newsredding.com/ >From: Ted Temer <temer(at)c-zone.net> >>Wendy: >>In general we use Rosemary's suggestion with colored backgrounds >>in tables for this sort of thing as it loads so much quicker. > >I am a little behind on my email here, but ... Beware, for Rosemary's >suggestion was to use the BACKGROUND attribute, not the BGCOLOR (which >Ted is speaking of above, I think?) attribute, in the TD, which is not >valid HTML4. > >Wendy wrote: >>> I want to put a sidebar on my webpage and I was wondering if >>I needed a >>>program such as Paint Shop Pro to do it? If that I the case >>could I use >>>Corel Draw to do it? > >-- >Cindy K. Stanley > >
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