Re: email redirect problem

by "wolfspower" <wolfspower(at)>

 Date:  Fri, 24 Dec 1999 10:06:37 -0500
 To:  "HWG-Basics" <hwg-basics(at)>
 References:  carolparent reiki
  todo: View Thread, Original
Hi everyone,
I tried posting this before but haven't seen it arrive so am trying again.

I need to find a way to prevent the use of my email direct feature at my
domain from being used without permission.

What has happened is someone decided it would be fun to enter many names to
a subscription page using
fake  names in front of the domain name.
Fred(at), jacj@ reiki,net  etc {178 different names}

They will not receive any mail at that address because they aren't
authorised but I receive every one of the subscribtions
due to the way the email direct works.

I am hoping that there is a script I can get that would validate any
incoming mail to my domain that is not authorised.

I also felt that this is rather important to have out in the open in case
someone else is unaware of this being able to be done.
I did contact ICQ and my Server admin but they have no solution.

Short of cancelling my use of redirects I have little hope of preventing
this unless I can find a script of some type to kick their false address out
without my clients nad friends losing their addresses.

Thanks for any help.


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