Re: Awards and awards - more awards

by "Paul Rudolf" <paul(at)>

 Date:  Mon, 27 Sep 1999 03:34:41 -0700
 To:  "The Web Center" <admin(at)>,
  todo: View Thread, Original
Now, don't take this too seriously.  But, then again.......

Seeing as we all have differing opinions on what is good, we could develop
our own HWG-Basics, no, that could be considered copyright infringement.....

OK, "The 'Our' Official Mailing List Members Award"!

We could all disagree on whether the site is good, bad or indifferent,
refuse the award based on our disagreement, and let them have their choice
of honorable mention images!

At least this way, the applicant will really have to work at getting the

Who knows, this may be as popular at "the big red spot that does nothing".

But back on a serious note, I'll be willing to bet that even in a group of
reputable Award agencies, what passes as Excellent on one, may only pass as
Satisfactory on another.  It's still a matter of taste, and what features
catches the "eye" of the person(s) giving the award.


-----Original Message-----
From: The Web Center <admin(at)>
To: hwg-basics(at) <hwg-basics(at)>
Date: Monday, September 27, 1999 3:17 AM
Subject: Re: Awards and awards - more awards

>Perhaps a "Library of Internet Awards", where we could go and check our a
>given award when we need one?
>(My sincere apologies to anyone who provides real awards.  The thing is,
>do we know?)

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