netscape 4.x display problems

by "Lisa Whirrett" <justlisa(at)>

 Date:  Wed, 17 Oct 2001 12:14:52 -0500
 To:  "HWG-Basics" <hwg-basics(at)>
  todo: View Thread, Original
Has anyone ever encountered problems with netscape 4.x browsers skewing the
layout when javascript is inserted in the code?

We are working on a site that looks perfect until we add javascript to the
code.  It still displays as intended in all major browsers except netscape

Before I send you off to look at the URL you should know that the code does
not validate.  We didn't do that layout or the basic HTML code on this one.
A design team used Adobe GoLive for that so the code is a mess.  It's
unbelievable but the proprietary GoLive code does display correctly in all
browsers.  We are just doing the backend and it's something in our backend
(javascript/vbscript) code that is causing the layout to screw up.  The
vbscript is all server side so that wouldn't be an issue.

The url is:

Using netscape 4.x, you will see that the images are scattered all over.
The worst part is that if you click "Corporate Customers Log In Here", the
login popup window is completely unusable.  Even worse than that, if a
person tries to purchase something, the shopping cart displays a totally
blank page.

My guess is that the <form name=blahblah> tags need to be closed somehow.
I'm not the programmer though so I can't prove that.

Any suggestions would be tremendously appreciated.


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