Strict DTD (a dream?)

by Gregor Pirnaver <gregor.pirnaver(at)>

 Date:  Sat, 6 Jan 2001 11:52:41 +0100
 To:  <hwg-basics(at)>
  todo: View Thread, Original
I would really love to see some examples of sites using 
Strict DTD.

Some things are difficult to do even with Transitional DTD 
(textarea wrapping, page margins, DHTML...).

How can anyone actually desing a site with Strict DTD (that 
is what parts of CSS1 and CSS2 are safe to use)? I feel bad 
enough for using PNGs (unsupported in ver. 3 browsers) 
instead of GIFs.

Furthermore how would you "sell" such a site to a client?

Free and open standards are great! But what are they worth 
if nobody is using them? Please enlighten me.
Gregor @ Mandrake 7.2 -> KDE 2.0 -> Kmail 1.1.99 -> ;-)

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