Re: Web Master Transition

by "Ted Temer" <temer(at)>

 Date:  Fri, 17 Dec 1999 13:48:27 -0800
 To:  <hwg-basics(at)>
  todo: View Thread, Original
K. Hammond:

HTML is HTML and as such, it is not copyrighted per-say. However,
common courtesy would bring up a few points.

Send an e-mail to the former web master and inquire if the site
is fully paid for and is now free and clear of all charges,
especially the ART WORK.

Most artists, like most writers, only sell the right to "use" the
art work under certain conditions. Even the so-called "free" art
found on many sites often has several "conditions" for it's use.
Art work supplied by the former web master may have been tied to
a maintenance agreement. Any text written by someone other than
the client may have "first publication" clauses.

Anything "third party" may have copyright encumbrances.

You will be doing business with these people. So it is not
improper for you to ask yourself:

Why did they change over to you?? Was it because of your superior
design and service, your wit and charm, even perhaps your
fantastic profile--or did the old web master cut them off for not
paying their bill??

And--Good relations with the former web master can often make
your life easier as they are familiar with the host the site is
on, and the CGI/ASP/etc. scripts involved.

Many clients assume they "own everything" for the few dollars
they grudgingly spent. Don't risk your business or reputation on
their assumptions. Remember--You are the interloper here. A
little diplomacy and tact will go a long way.

Best wishes
Ted Temer
Temercraft Designs Redding, CA

>In taking over as web master for an existing web site from
>individual or service, I am assuming the client company has paid
for the
>services and has the right to do anything with the site they see
>But as the new web master or service, is there anything I need
to do to
>cover myself and any changes I make to someone else's work?

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