Re: Yahoo

by "Kim Mitchell" <kim(at)>

 Date:  Fri, 15 Dec 2000 23:42:19 -0500
 To:  "Tamara Abbey" <tamara(at)>,
 References:  abbeyink
  todo: View Thread, Original

Hi Tamara,

One of the sites I support pushed its bid on to the top (#1)
listing in its main keyword.  Visitors from increased by about 5
times, which was an overall increase of about 20%.  But the cost of the top
spot was significantly expensive too, and each of those click-throughs cost
more. So the bill was high, but it brought in a significant increase in
business.  Overall, it was a useful investment in advertising for the
Christmas rush.

These click-throughs, 'sponsor listings', and positions in search engines
have to be evaluated like any other advertising investment..  How likely is
this search engine to identify you to your customers when they need your
product?  the answer will vary all over the place depending on the business
and the customer's you're aiming for.  On-line advertising of all types has
to be evaluated the same way you'd evaluate advertising in print media,
signage, the yellow pages, direct mail, or any other marketing means.

One of the real advantages of on-line advertising is that you can often turn
it off and on within a day or two, so if it isn't paying off the way you
need, you can turn it off and try something else.

Kim Mitchell

----- Original Message -----
From: "Tamara Abbey" <tamara(at)>
> Has anyone paid for a listing on Yahoo? Or, any other engine/directory? If
> so, was it successful? Would you do it again?

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