Re: Justified Alignment

by "Cindy Stanley" <stanleysupport(at)>

 Date:  Mon, 30 Aug 1999 20:48:32 -0400
 To:  <hwg-basics(at)>
  todo: View Thread, Original
From: Jakob D�lling <alligotar(at)>
Two VSQs: What means the value Justify in the <Hx>- and <P> tag? How do
browsers render these tags?

The align="justify" attribute means text aligned flush with left and
right margins.

The align attribute was introduced in HTML3.2, and has been incorporated
into all the major browsers, but from what I know of, you only had the
choice of left, center, right, when adding these to the P and H

HTML4.0 still supports the align attribute, to definitely include
justify (for the H and P elements), but the preferred method for
alignment would be to use style sheets, for this attribute is

Cindy K. Stanley

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