Re: H--- with multimedia

by Thomas James Allen <tjallen(at)>

 Date:  Tue, 17 Aug 1999 22:47:54 -0400
 To:  Tanya <tjtmd(at)>
 Cc:  hwg-basics(at)
  todo: View Thread, Original
At 02:32 PM 8/17/99 -0700, you wrote (and I edited):
>I am trying to create sound.... But now
>both browsers show a pertial? player and nothing happens when I click
>the play(?) button.
>I include my code with yet another question:
><EMBED SRC="Jimmy.wav" HEIGHT="24" WIDTH="48">
>The book I have and no other book uses the hieght and width attributes
>Does anyon know why?
Your code looks correct to play a sound. If you see the player
but nothing plays, try:
1. Make sure your sound is turned up.
2. Make sure the spelling and capitalization of the filename is correct.
3. Make sure the file is in the same directory as the html file,
if not, either move the sound file, or give the correct path to it
(for example, src="images/Jimmy.wav")

The height and width options in the embed command indicate
that you want the plugin or soundplayer to show on the page.
The usual size that works in Netscape and IE is width=145 height=60
If you use less than this amount, you get the partial player.
Some people want the partial player so that only the start button shows.
You can experiment with different sizes.

You can see embedded .wav examples and view source for more help at my site:

Hope this helps,

P.S. I like your pictures of California on your site!

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