Images that I can't see

by Thomas James Allen <tjallen(at)>

 Date:  Sat, 09 Oct 1999 11:43:32 -0400
 To:  hwg-basics(at)
  todo: View Thread, Original
I have recently discovered that there are a variety of images
on the web that I'm not seeing, or not seeing as intended,
and I am wondering and asking why.

For example, look at the background on my Mom's page, at:
She sees a bright green on black, with a flannel pattern,
while I see only black with a few small gray/green daubs.

I don't see it in IE4.0 or NN4.6, and further, I don't see it
when I download it and view it in Photoshop, LViewPro, ACDC, etc.

More examples abound at the Eos Development Website, at:
I see some of these fine, while others are black
or near-black for me.

I'm on Win95 16-bit HiColor, she's on Win98 32bit color,
could that be it?

If that's the difference, is this a new "compatibility" issue?

Jimmy Allen (Thomas James Allen)
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