Re: Bizarre mouseover

by Thomas James Allen <tjallen(at)>

 Date:  Sat, 04 Dec 1999 23:33:27 -0500
 To:  "K. Hammond" <hammondeh(at)>
 Cc:  hwg-basics(at)
  todo: View Thread, Original
At 08:49 AM 12/4/99 -0500, you wrote:
>I wrote a simple mouseover routine for a page and it's exhibiting some
>bizarre behavior. It's a multiple rollover and everything seems to work
>fine...*unless* I placed the cursor over one of the links that swap
>images before the page finishes downloading. Then the secondary image is
>distored, the rollovers don't swap images, and some of the links don't
Here is a possible solution:
In the body tag, call a function with "onload"
that enables your swapping scripts. In theory, the
onload event doesn't fire until the whole page is loaded.

This would happen in 3 parts:
First, in your body tag, put something like:
<BODY blah blah blah onload=imLoaded()>

Second, between the head tags, a function like:
function imLoaded() {
   var finished=true

And finally, in EACH of your image swapping functions, begin with:
if finished {
   -swapping stuff here-

I think this will work. Maybe. As Chris said, using javascript
before the scripted parts are loaded does lead to bizarre stuff!
Hope this helps,
Jimmy Allen (Thomas James Allen)
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