need help with forms!

by ShemaXod(at)

 Date:  Sun, 6 Feb 2000 11:17:41 EST
 To:  hwg-basics(at)
  todo: View Thread, Original

I'm learning to do forms and have made 3 seperate practice forms. I'm getting 
some results from them but I'm also getting personal email telling me the 
forms wouldn't submit. When I try to submit them myself, in IE, I get an 
email form with the address filled in, and in Netscape, I get "Netscape is 
unable to locate the server mail. Please check the server name and try again."

Do you think me being on AOL has anything to do with this? Why are some able 
to sumbit and others not? And what does the Netscape message mean?
(This is the first form with a link to the next form at the bottom. These are 
just practice so the content is, well, not serious.)

Thanks again!  May I add I have gained a new appreciation for this list and 
the HWG..... :o)

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